And my oh my... are those words weird to hear come out of my mouth!
Dan and I found out the morning of August 27. I had previously taken a few pregnancy tests a few days before my period was due in hopes that maybe we were successful. I hadn't really felt any different, just the normal PMS symptoms I have had the past couple months. So what the the heck, just take a test but they all came up negative. They started to streak across like the second line was going to pop up but nothing. I was so sad and felt "broken". How silly to think that but that was my first thought. Well, the day my period was due, came and went. The Tuesday before our BFP, I went to my zumba class and I oddly felt tired throughout the class. I chalked it up to not getting a good night's sleep before and working all day. Then Thursday, my next zumba class, I was too tired get ready to go to the gym. I didn't even think twice about why I was tired. So I went to bed early and that was that.
When I woke up Friday morning and still no sign of my period, I thought eh what the hell, I'll use the last test we have. It felt like my period was coming but I just wanted to make sure. So I did. And well, it was doing what the other tests did. Nothing. So as I was washing my hands I looked down at the test, and the "streaking" I mentioned before, was disappearing.... And in it's place a second line started to appear. My mouth dropped open. NO WAY.... NO WAY.... NO FUCKING WAY. I started to cry. I was so damned surprised. I didn't think our efforts worked. I finished washing my shaking hands and ran to the bedroom to show Dan the test. I called him and he groggily asked "What?"
I could barely get words out, just tears, and mumbled "Look. Look at it...."
He tried to focus on the test and asked "What are you showing me? Did you break it?"
I said, "No, look."
He tried really hard to figure out what I was showing him.... And in a few seconds, he figured out what I was trying to tell him and asked, "Are you pregnant?" And I shook my head and said yes. And then he says "Congratulations." Congratulations... Oy, typical Dan. That's what you say to other people having a baby LOL... Not your wife. :-P
That evening, when we were on our way home from work, we stopped at Target and bought a digital test, so you know, we could get that definitive answer.... And the next morning, we got another. So I'm definitely pregnant. :) We are ecstatic, Dan probably more so than me because his body won't be changing LOL. Our parents are really excited... esp. my mom and dad.. This will be their first grandchild and they finally get to be a "Granny" and a "Poppy". Very exciting for all of us.
I'm 6 weeks and 1 day along according to what I think my ovulation date is (although, I'm pretty certain). I feel OK for the most part... really tired, waves of queasiness, and frequent bathroom trips. I do have a couple food aversions so far, also. Just tonight, chicken doesn't agree with me. I immediately felt nauseous after a few bites and had to stop eating. This is a bit disheartening because chicken is one of those go-to meals for us. I also cannot stand to eat salty foods. And it doesn't even have to be very salty... it can be just a tad salty and I can taste it. It's such an aversion, that I feel completely parched afterward and I have to chug a mess of water. Needless to say, I'm staying away.
It's a little early to think or even talk about... But we have our names set. We have had them set for awhile, actually. Before we even started trying. As of now, we plan to keep it to ourselves. So for everyone else, the baby in utero will be called Beaker. You know, after that Muppet Babies character. To us, most kids and babies sound like Beaker :::meep meep meep meep meep meep:::. Cute, no? And I'm pretty sure if our LO could say anything it would be just that. So Beaker it is.
Tomorrow evening will be exciting for us. We will be going tour the Birth Center where I hope Beaker will be born. The center is made up of midwives and are supportive of natural childbirth. So this means minimum medical intervention and pain medication. As of now, I'm completely on board with this especially because I want to experience the pain and joy of childbirth. Corny sounding, I suppose, but I really don't want to feel "drugged" and not be able to fully process everything (something about having that sense of control and I know I'll feel like I'm not in control). I have read also that even though epidurals are only intended for the mom that the baby does feel side effects and is more tired after birth than without drugs. I also have a fear of that epidural needle, let alone a needle going into my spine. I would also like to be able to move around and feel things despite how much it hurts.... But I figure it will be worth it in the end. :) I guess I don't need all those reasons, and one would be enough.... But heck, it doesn't hurt.
OK, so I think this is a good first post. I shouldn't have waited so long. I'll update soon and give my thoughts about the Birth Center after the tour. I really hope it goes well and it's what I think it will be.
And we'll end with a 6 week photo. We gotta keep track of these things.
It's all bloat right now but in a few months it'll be all baby. :)
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